特記事項4: 「東風 と 鴎」East Wind and Seagull 原曲:「東風Tong Poo」


I am inspired by Tokyo Cabin-san who is capable of writing outstanding lyrics and articles that I have not thought of. This song came from the idea by Cabin-san half year ago and I wrote a draft of Cantonese lyrics for this piece of music. Six months later I have a sudden inspiration which I think it's a good time for me to revise it in a slower melody (at 86 BPM) with a combination of two languages.
Here you go and hope you like it. Thank you Tokyo Cabin-san, for bringing the concept of this nice song.

「東風 と 鴎」 原曲:「東風Tong Poo」
East Wind and Seagull

Japanese X Cantonese Lyrics @86 BPM


作曲:坂本龍一   原曲:「東風Tong Poo」
作詞(広東語):HK Yan
翻訳:HK Yan
カバー、ミキシング:HK Yan

==== 歌詞 Lyrics ====
Awake my body with fresh wind

あなたに見えるかしら? これが
I wonder if you can see this ?

純潔海鷗 升降於浪濤上
Cute seagulls are flying above the ocean waves

接近牠不害怕 要受傷冀停步
Like to approach them, take a rest if get hurt

自信心 跟碧江裡同樣擴張 最想
With great confidence comes great success, we hope so

From the eastern land to the western horizon

南の島北の果て どこまでもゆく
A southern island to the extreme north faraway place

共你海邊 激發歌唱能量
Sing with you on a seashore energetically

快樂中甘願試 有夢想要同步
Chase our dream through trials

像海鷗 於天際裡同樣 理想
Just like seagulls fly with mission and vision

A deep and blue sea is in front of us

It invites us towards eternal life
