広東語の曲・和訳/英訳 :「明天・あす」Thomas dgx yhl
「明天・あす」was a J-pop style new song, written by the composer of 「Glory to Hong Kong」, a musician under the pseudonym "Thomas dgx yhl", with the contribution of a group of Hongkonger netizens from online forum LIHKG during the 2019 Hong Kong protests. It has been widely adopted as the anthem of these protests, with some even regarding it as the "national anthem of Hong Kong".
According to the information from LIHKG forum, Thomas dgx yhl mentioned the creation of「明天・あす」was pretty close the music style of Japanese pop music bands : 生物股長 , Mr. Children/桜井和寿, B'z, 尾崎豐, etc... The lyrics is very meaningful, full of connotation. To chase your dream even if you face difficult situations, even if others don't understand, even if nobody hear the heartfelt wishes, don't give up, with hope, a better tomorrow will be there in your life, depends on you still keep trying and searching for it.
==== 歌詞意訳 ====
Part 1 :
璀璨的 繁華夜幕在照映著 過路人
Glittering night sky shines upon the pedestrians,
卻印上了 灰暗困倦背影
ただし、 灰色と疲れた後ろ影の刻印された。
but fills them up with weary grey shadow.
Wanna cover-up of stars appears in the sky?
還有沒有 意義存在嗎
また、 意味があるですか?
That's a meaningless situation. Isn't it just?
心與心 為何漸漸地隔開著 距離
心と心、 どうして距離をゆっくり引き離しています?
We're all on the same page, why pull apart gradually?
閉上了眼 不想再受傷
目を閉じて、 傷つきたくない。
Close the eyes and don't want to be hurt again.
Moreover, aren't we holding out much hope?
還有沒有 意義存在嗎
また、 意味があるですか?
That's a meaningless life. Isn't it just?
When glass is no longer clear enough,
化作了鐵壁 去困住理想
鉄の壁になった、 囲まれた理想の希望。
it becomes a rigid wall which traps aspirations.
剩下為了 過生活的那份勇氣
残りの勇気、 一緒に暮らすことために,
What remains is to get busy with daily lives bravely.
該投降麼 多麼的軟弱 渺小
明け渡す必要がありますか? とてもか細く弱々しい。
Gotta surrender? So skinny and weak.
很想衝開 這世上局限和束縛
Wanna break through the barriers in the world.
去面向 忠於心中的方向
To move in the direction we foresee.
不管旁人話語 去踏上
意見が違うても、 行きます,
Regardless of any comments,
這條 我看見的路
go forward towards the way we found.
漆黑之中 那美夢逐漸被掩蓋
闇の中で、 その夢がゆっくり蔽うされます,
The dream disappears gradually in the darkness,
暗淡裡 拋開枷鎖地奔去
薄暗いで、 束縛を捨ててこの道に向かって行く,
throw off the shackles of the past in a dull environment.
明天 會在 哪裡
A better tomorrow, where is it?
Part 2 :
不了解 何謂活著若已經沒 自由
自由がなければ、 どうやって生きることがわからない,
Don't understand how can we live without freedom.
苟且偷生 拋低了夢與想
夢をあきらめるって、 悪い人生をめちゃくちゃにする。
Live like a coward without dreams and aspirations.
なぜ、 心からの願いを聞かれない?
Why nobody hear the heartfelt wishes?
還有沒有 意義存在嗎
また、 意味があるですか?
That's a meaningless life. Isn't it just?
How we live together without a quality of life?
聽厭了太多 說注定結果
もうよろしくてよ、 運命の結果にはうんざりですわ。
Tired of hearing too many ill-fated results.
剩下為了 過生活的那份勇氣
残りの勇気、 一緒に暮らすことために,
What remains is to get busy with daily lives bravely.
虛渡時間 多麼的軟弱 渺小
いたずらに時を過ごす、 とてもか細く弱々しい。
Waste of time, so skinny and weak.
清風吹起 我向著十字路出發
風が吹く、 岐路に行きます,
Heading towards the crossroad under fresh breeze.
背著你 手中緊握的抖顫
背中合わせ、 しっかりと手が振るをつかむ。
Stand back-to-back with shaky hands.
不敢回望著你 怕沒有
Don't wanna turn around to look you in the face,
可能 會再見的臉
because afraid of never meeting you again.
漆黑之中 那美夢逐漸被掩蓋
闇の中で、 その夢がゆっくり蔽うされます,
The dream disappears gradually in the darkness,
暗淡裡 拋開枷鎖地奔去
薄暗いで、 束縛を捨ててこの道に向かって行く,
throw off the shackles of the past in a dull environment.
奇跡 會在 哪裡
Miracle of hope, where is it?
Part 3 :
狠狠衝開 這世上局限和束縛
Wanna break through the barriers aggressively.
繼續去 忠於心中的方向
続けて、 心の方向に向かって努力する。
Continue to move in the direction we foresee.
不管旁人話語 去踏上
意見が違うても、 行きます,
Regardless of any comments,
這條 我看見的路
go forward towards the way we found.
珍惜的都 也正在漸漸地消散
Things we treasure are losing gradually,
永逝去 這正叫作人生嗎
永遠に失う、 この人生はどんなものでしょうか?
will vanish forever, yet is this a meaningful life?
明天 會在 哪裡
A better tomorrow, where is it?